Why Schools Should Boost Parent Engagement

Parental involvement plays a crucial role in a child’s education – in fact, numerous studies have shown that schools with high rates of engagement from students’ parents tend to be more successful than their peers. When parents are actively participating in their children’s educational journey, it leads to improved student engagement, behaviour, academic success, and confidence. Despite this, however, and despite the desire of many parents to be more involved, many schools struggle to engage them effectively.

The power of parent engagement

To boost engagement with parents, schools need to prioritise effective communication. By establishing regular and meaningful communication channels – and including everyone from parents and teachers to administrators, specialists, after school club leaders and coaches – schools can bridge the gap between home and school, and foster strong partnerships. One approach is to personalise messages that cater to individual parents’ needs and concerns. Tailoring communication this way allows parents to feel acknowledged and understood, and strengthens their connection with the school.

Increasing the frequency of communication is another valuable strategy. While traditional methods such as newsletters, emails, and parent-teacher conferences are important, schools can explore additional avenues to engage parents. Utilising social media platforms can give parents and families real-time updates on school activities, students’ achievements, and any important announcements. While a tweet or an Instagram might not take as long to write as a newsletter, they can reach a far larger audience in a fraction of the time, and offer a chance for parents, students, and teachers to connect. This approach ensures parents stay connected and informed about their child’s school life without being bombarded by messages.

Aldenham schools - an exemplary model

At Aldenham Education Group (AEG), our network of international schools understand the significance of parent engagement. At Aldenham schools, parents and grandparents alike are considered an integral part of the school community. They actively participate in events such as parents’ evenings, concerts, and drama productions. AEG recognises that good communication with parents is vital to any school’s success, and all of our schools – from Aldenham in the UK to Aldenham Prep Riyadh in Saudi Arabia – employ various means to achieve this goal.

Our schools’ commitment to communication is demonstrated through weekly newsletters, informative blogs, social media updates, and regular open evenings. Through these channels, we’re able to provide students’ parents and families with regular updates, give them insights into their child’s progress, and even offer opportunities to connect with the school staff. By working to create an inclusive environment in this way, Aldenham schools have fostered a sense of partnership and collaboration between staff, students, parents, and the wider community.

The power of community

Beyond communication, schools should also strive to recognise the importance of building a strong sense of community. Part of AEG’s core mission – and one of our key aims – is to foster good relationships and partnerships among staff, pupils, parents, and the wider community. This reflects our commitment to inclusivity and collaboration, and helps our students’ parents to feel more included. After all, when parents feel connected to the school and the broader community, they are more likely to actively engage in their child’s education.

By involving parents in school activities, such as volunteering opportunities, parent-led workshops, or collaborative initiatives, schools can create a supportive community where parents feel valued and respected. Even former pupils – Old Aldenhamians such as Baroness Karren Brady and the golfer Matt Wallace – donate their time, expertise and money to help current pupils and give them the best education possible. This sense of belonging encourages parents to play an active role in their child’s education, ultimately benefiting the overall educational experience. This community feeling can instil positive memories in our pupils and shape them for their lives after Aldenham.

Parent engagement is a vital component of a child’s educational journey, and schools must prioritise strategies that can boost involvement. By fostering effective communication channels, personalising messages, and actively involving parents in school life, schools can enhance the engagement and success of their students. Aldenham Education Group’s schools value parent engagement and appreciate the importance of communication, community and collaboration – head to the Aldenham UK website to learn more.

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